I have an interdisciplinairy practise
based on drawing.
My drawings should generate energy and consciousness in a world of decay. Provide space for contemplation, melancholy, spiritual comfort and confrontation.
My drawings in (multimedia) installations often tell about a specific history of a special place,
historical person or community, which I research in advance.
Symbolic figures in my works refer to universal and spiritual undertones. They refer to a shared (inner) knowledge.
I have a great interest in animism and the land where my father was born, Indonesia.
(then ‘The Dutch Indies’).
Nature gives direction to my work and the voices of my ancestors whisper in my ear.
My drawings are always part of a greater whole and can coexist seamlessly with other media and collaborations with others.
My drawings are created in a sensitive and organic way, in which time investment plays a big role.
This also goes for my audio en video works, paintings,installations.
It takes a lot of scrolling with elements before a work gets concrete form.
I look for inexplicable ‘throbbing’ moments in the studio, when all the examined and layered elements come together magically in their own final form.
Complexity produces clarity.
Shadows of human life become tangible in universal and timeless situations in large drawings that coincide with the architecture, or small drawings as momentum and intimate conversation with the subject.
For 2025 and 2026 I work, amongst more, towards exhibitions at Missiemuseum Steyl and Museum W, for which I will create new installations.
For contact or studio visit, welcome, you can mail me
skills & experiences
– curator artprogram Extrapool
Nijmegen, 2008-2022
– guest curator ZUIVER. 2022
– master and yearmaster Kunstpodium T
– private lessons drawing-painting
– CKE visual arts, children & adults
– guest teacher Dutch Design Academy
– guest teacher KSE highschool (2022)
– Vincent’s Tekenlokaal (2018)
– guest Sandberg Dirty Art Dept (2017)
– summerschool Stedelijk Museum
Breda (2021)
– Cultuur Eindhoven
– Mondriaanfonds scout Prix de Rome
– Gilbert de Bontridder prijs Art Institute
Maastricht (2023)
– Municipality of Eindhoven
Art in Public Space, Light artwork
Meerhoven, Esplanade
lectures 2023:
– University of Missouri, MFA (online)
– ROC Koning Willem College, School
voor de Toekomst, BLIK, Den Bosch
– Design Academy Eindhoven
– Kopi Kecil, Indisch Atelier, Eindhoven
sound performances
– many occasions 1997 – 2023
I am available for lectures, art education and creating a project especially focused on your space and in collaboration with your organization. *Fair Practise
my art practise is supported by the Mondriaan Fund
Danielle Lemaire
Generaal Bothastraat 5K
5642 NJ Eindhoven
daniellelemairestudio at g mail dot com